WI Spartacus emerges victorious?

His best case scenario is to escape into Gaul while he can instead of turning back south. Which was his initial goal when leading the revolt.


As much as I would love Rome to be the world's first socialist state, Spartacus's uprising was always going to end tragically.


Why would a victory for Spartacus lead to the establishment of a socialist state?

I am not well-versed in Roman History, but from what I gather, it was the kind of slave revolt that might have endevoured egalitarianism in the event of the old order's collapse.
No, it wasn't.

Slave revolts in this era tended of two general mindsets--"let's get out of here" and, to quote an actual motto of one (though not Spartacus') "don't be a slave; own a slave".

"Egalitarianism" didn't really even exist at this time.
I am not well-versed in Roman History, but from what I gather, it was the kind of slave revolt that might have endevoured egalitarianism in the event of the old order's collapse.

Yeah, no. He was attempting to escape from beyond Roman control. Only when they started winning victories did his goals get bigger and that still was, "let's get more slaves to escape with us and get some rich plunder along the way."


Maybe Spartacus can establish an anti Roman region in Rome and last until Hannibal arrives to gather allies.


Once the Roman leadership got its act together the slaves were doomed. There had been two previous servile revolts, both had lasted longer than the Spartacus', although it a more contained area, but all were comprehensively crushed eventually. Had the Spartacists escaped, either to Gaul or, more logically, to "somewhere" to the East, Illyrica maybe or Asia Minor, they would have been pursued by Rome or destroyed by the local authorities. If you were the King, say, of Pontus and 20,000 armed former slaves turned up in your kingdom uninvited--what would you do?
It has been fashionable to paint the Slaves of the Third Servile Revolt in the guise of modern freedom fighters, but they were really just a bunch of uppity servants who wanted to steal the bosses' stuff and make pigs of themselves.


Maybe Spartacus can establish an anti Roman region in Rome and last until Hannibal arrives to gather allies.

I concur with Space Oddity. Hannibal was a threat to Rome about 150 years before Spartacus started his revolt. the best he could have hoped for was flee to Gaul when he had the chance and hope the Romans dont decide to conquer it a few decades earlier just to find him. which they might very well do, just to prove that slave revolts will never successed agaisnt them.


Once the Roman leadership got its act together the slaves were doomed. There had been two previous servile revolts, both had lasted longer than the Spartacus', although it a more contained area, but all were comprehensively crushed eventually. Had the Spartacists escaped, either to Gaul or, more logically, to "somewhere" to the East, Illyrica maybe or Asia Minor, they would have been pursued by Rome or destroyed by the local authorities. If you were the King, say, of Pontus and 20,000 armed former slaves turned up in your kingdom uninvited--what would you do?
It has been fashionable to paint the Slaves of the Third Servile Revolt in the guise of modern freedom fighters, but they were really just a bunch of uppity servants who wanted to steal the bosses' stuff and make pigs of themselves.

I agree they were not going to build a socialist paradise, but "uppity servants"? realy?


Apperently I have a lot of my dates wrong when it comes to ancient Rome especially the Roman Republic. My bad.
Maybe Spartacus can establish an anti Roman region in Rome and last until Hannibal arrives to gather allies.

This sounds like the episode guide for a bad fox/sky show: "Spartacus: warrior of time:" where Spartacus is granted magical powers by the space Carthaginians from Mars ( led by Hannibal was teleported to Mars by the Carthaginian galactic empire and became invincible due to Mars rocks.) Together, they form a rag-tag battalion of freedom fighters who can only scream " FREE-DOME." They create an egalitarian and democratic society that lasts a thousand years and is blessed by eternal happiness, rainbows and kittens. Then, in the last episode, we see shots of a horde of space bats descending on earth ready to blight the earth with historical inaccuracies, implausible TLs and bad sequels. The final caption says:
Spartacus will return next year in " Spartacus: Alien space bat killer,"
only on Sky!