It would not surprise me if Remer actually decides to retire if no other reason than the stress and wishes to avoid any potential assassinations or death to himself.
It would not surprise me if Remer actually decides to retire if no other reason than the stress and wishes to avoid any potential assassinations or death to himself.
Which would undoubtedly make Remer the Edward VIII of Nazi Germany effectively. And I doubt he's going to hand over power to Klara, so that would just mean another years long power struggle
The Edward VIII?
My first introduction to him was in highschool English class where the teacher explained the way in which he was a black sheep and seen as a example to not follow, thus why Elisabeth II would never abdicate. And keep in mind that this is in the Netherlands where each monarch since Wilhelmina, the great-grandmother of our current king, has abdicated the throne, not died on it. If Remer abdicates the führership, I'm certain it will be in that fashion, he'll resign in shame and become a black sheep and nobody who takes up the position after him will abdicate because of the precedent he set.
With all the talk of feminism, I can Imagine girlboss Linz Paxt led by Klara Hitler and Sonia Maino(Sonia Gandhi) for some reason.
With all the talk of feminism, I can Imagine girlboss Linz Paxt led by Klara Hitler and Sonia Maino(Sonia Gandhi) for some reason.
Feminizm blended with Nazism, as opposed to leftist secular Jews of USA. A painful mirror image of SJW concept. I can only imagine a Nazi Xena series, fighting Semitic savages only to be a wholesome mother in the end. The sheer alien uncanniness.

The horror.

The horror.
Feminizm blended with Nazism, as opposed to leftist secular Jews of USA. A painful mirror image of SJW concept. I can only imagine a Nazi Xena series, fighting Semitic savages only to be a wholesome mother in the end. The sheer alien uncanniness.

The horror.

The horror.
I'm sure The Reich has forced Turkey to give up its Jews, or else...
I hope some of them escaped either to Israel or to the New World.
Provided it survives the tumult, the death of auxiliaries in Israel war will embitter the post 30 boomers against Turkish nationalism. Ecevit might soar higher as a mildly civic nationalist left socialist. On a brighter note, Adnan Menderes, the son of sixty thousand painted whores might not be famous.
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I wonder how Turkey fares. It had a large Jewish population and saved many during Greek invasion.
As far as Jewish populations go, the only nation in the Pakt that resisted turning their Jews over was Italy until Farinacci's rise. After Barbarossa, the Nazis simply would not have tolerated the Jews in the Continent (the Wannsee Conference already was including even British and Swiss Jews in the Final solution). When Horthy refused to turn over 800 thousand Hungarian Jews, he was overthrown in a coup by the Arrow Cross, the Reich also solidified it's control in Romania by sponsoring the Iron Guard's return after the war and in Bulgaria through the regency.

Turkey simply would not have a choice after 1952 but to cooperate with the Pakt for survival, in that year the British were kicked out of the Mediterranean and the Suez was secured by Nasser, furthermore in the 50s the Iranians turned to the side of Germania and Iraq fell to the Syrians. Every single border is controlled by the Pakt and the Turkish army could not resist an invasion from all sides. Eventually the Turkish government had to cooperate and join the Pakt (Switzerland, Sweden and later Portugal showed that Germany wouldn't tolerate neutrality in mainland Europe). A large portion of the Jews had already migrated to Israel, but those who were left ended up taken to Germania.

Similar to what happened in Romania, the Turks also had to grant concessions, by turning over Hatay to the Syrians after Saadeh denounced the Hatay Referendum of 1939 and allow the warships of the Pakt to freely cross the Dardanelles.

Provided it survives the tumult, the death of auxiliaries in Israel war will embitter the post 30 boomers against Turkish nationalism. Ecevit might soar higher as a mildly civic nationalist left socialist. On a brighter note, Adnan Menderes, the son of sixty thousand painted whores might not be famous.
There is a snowball of a chance in hell that the Nazis would tolerate a democratic or left-leaning government in Turkey. The only case they even allowed a level of autonomy in our world was Denmark and they cracked down hard when Hitler found out about the Danish Jews being helped to go to Sweden. Just because the Nazis made compromises with local governments it doesn't mean they were doing that out of belief, but because they wanted to prevent further resistance when fighting on the Eastern Front. Nothing says the Nazis would've kept these governments around if they won, we actually have more proof of the contrary as Hitler consistently denounced democracies and eventually did betray his local allies to empower fanatics (Vichy France, Italy, Hungary).
the great thing about this timeline is the ..I don't way everything comes together .like honestly reads like a real history textbook expect "fun"[for a given sense of the word]

just curious since I missed a lot is israel still sort of ailagned with jordan against Syria or was that a one time thing?
just curious since I missed a lot is israel still sort of ailagned with jordan against Syria or was that a one time thing?
They did so twice, in the first Levant war and now in the fourth Levant war, what exists of Jordan is a rump state that lost Aman and most of it's main cities, depending on Israel and the Coalition of Nations for survival after most of the land was taken by the Syrians.
If Hess had been succeeded by someone more competent like Speer, Wegener, or even Heydrich. Would Germany have “won” the Cold War or become the sole superpower once the US collapses?
Similar to what happened in Romania, the Turks also had to grant concessions, by turning over Hatay to the Syrians after Saadeh denounced the Hatay Referendum of 1939 and allow the warships of the Pakt to freely cross the Dardanelles
Oh, loss of Hatay will be nasty. The moment the reich loses control... You see, Turkish Fascist kadro will be seen as Vidkun Quisling by populace... And British and USA loving small political minorities, *will* tear at the country the moment Reich intimidation factor collapses. Plus, pro German Turkish fascists are very few. Nihal Atsız called Hitler a "cuck germanic buffoon" and hated Jews but respected their tenacity to survive.
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